Lies of D

Corrections to my Hello World Statements

In my intro post I said:

I'm astounded that there is no JavaScript needed to power the blogs on this platform. Coming from someone who has to support websites built with JavaScript front-ends, this a breath of fresh air.

Okay, so this is not entirely true. There is JavaScript on here, but it is very minimal. It is used to make the Toast button work, because otherwise "upvoting" a post will trigger a page reload. But that's it. I don't see any other script loading on the blog post pages.

This is actually the perfect example of what a proper use-case is for having JavaScript on your website: you use it to add little touches of interactivity here and there.

Earlier today I found this post from mgx. This one is a perfect example of what not do with JavaScript.

#Blogging #WebDevelopment